Micro teaching

Microteaching  is a part of teacher training technique, which taught me how to be a better teacher. I focused on specific parts of teaching, like explaining things clearly and keeping students interested. Getting feedback from my classmates helped me see what I was doing well and what I could improve. During microteaching, I used different teaching methods like lecture, demonstration, and discussion. In the lecture, I focused on explaining concepts clearly.Doing it multiple times let me practice and get better each time. I also learned to be flexible in how I teach and to make sure everyone feels included in the class. In discussion, i  actively participated  with student and solve  their problem. i asked the  questions to the student, moderate the discussion, and guide students in exploring different perspectives. Microteaching was a best way for me to improve and feel more confident in my teaching skills.

S.N Lesson plan Topic Date Remarks
1 User:Elina/Lesson plan 1 Computer Network 27 November 2023‎
2 User:Elina Bastola/Lesson plan 2 HTML Heading 28 November 2023‎ Taught
3 User:Elina Bastola Lesson plan 3 HTML Font 3 December 2023‎ Taught
4 User:Elina lesson plan 4 HTML Table 4 December 2023
5 User:Elina Lesson Plan 5 HTML ordered list 5 December 2023
6 User:Elina Lesson Plan 6 HTML un-ordered list 6 December 2023
7 User:Elina Lesson Plan 7 Impact of computer in society 7 December 2023
8 User:Elina Lesson Plan 8 HTML <img> tag and its attributes 10 Dec 2023
9 User:Elina Lesson Plan 9 HTTP(hyper text tranfer protocol) 11 Dec 2023
10 User:Elina Lesson Plan 10 HTTPS(hyper text transfer protocol secure) 12 Dec 2023

Real Teaching

Real teaching was the real deal, like being in a real classroom with all kinds of students. I learned to adapt to different needs and Make sure everyone understood in class . I used different ways of teaching techniques, like demonstration, lectural and discussing like in microteaching  and visualised the problems of students nearby and understanding and solved their problem . Real teaching taught me a lot about being a teacher in the real world.

School : Adarsha Secondary Scho0l Subject:Computer Science
S.N Level Lesson Plan Topic Time Teaching Material Date Remarks
1. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching lesson plan 1 Number system and its types 3:15-4:00 File:Capture.png,File:Binary to decimal.png,Example No 1:,Example 1:,Example 2: 12/28/2023 Taught
2. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 2 Octal and hexadecimal number system 3:15-4:00 1.Example:,2.Example:,Example number 1:,Example number 2,,File:Table.png 12/29/2023 Taught
3. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 3 Multimedia and its uses in our daily life 3:15-4:00 multimedia,Werpoint Presentation slides 12/31/2023 Taught
4. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 4 Basic terminology of multimedia 3:15-4:00 Powerpoint presentation: 1/21/2024 Taught
5. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 5 introduction to the Internet with its history 3:15-4:00 Powerpoint presentation:,File:Server.png,File:Client.png,File:Protocol.png 1/22/2024 Taught
6 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson plan 6 Basic terminology on internet 3:15-4:00
  • Marker,duster,whiteboard,
1/23/2024 Taught
7. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 7 Creating ,checking and sending mails 3:15-4:00 Laptop with internet access,marker, duster,Whiteboard. 1/24/2024 Taught
8. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 8 Computer Virus with its history 3:15-4:00 Video and content 1/25/2024 Taught
9. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 9 Types of computern virus 3:15-4:00 Video: 1/26/2024 Taught
10. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 10 Antivirus Software 3:15-4:00 Video: 1/28/2024 Taught
11. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 11 introduction to html with its different tag 3:15-4:00 Example: 1/29/2024 Taught
12 8 Section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 12 HTML font tag 3:15-4:00 Color Activity HTMLHTML font 1/30/2024 Taught
13. 8 Section"A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 13 Attributes in HTML 3:15-4:00 Video clip,Example 1,Example 2,Example 3 2/31/2024 Taught
14. 8 Section"A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson plan 14 Formatting HTML 3:15-4:00 Video clips,Formatting tag 2/01/2024 Taught
15. 8 Section"A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 15 Table in HTML 3:15-4:00 Table: 2/02/2024 Taught
16. 8 Section"A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 16 Ordered list in HTMl 3:15-4:00 Example:orderedlist1,Example:orderedlist2 2/04/2024 Taught
17. 8 Section"A" User:Elina Real Teaching lesson Plan 17 Flow chart and its symbol 3:15-4:00 File:Symbol of flow chart.png 2/05/2024 Taught
18. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 18 Unordered list in HTML 3:15-4:00 Eg1:,Eg2: 2/06/2024 Taught
19. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 19 Algorithm with its properties 3:15-4:00 Videoclip 2/07/2024 Taught
20. 8 section "A" User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 20 Pseudocode 3:15-4:00 Whiteboard, duster,marker,and Computer book 2/08/2024 Taught