User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 16

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Subject:Computer Science Class:8"A"
Unit:17 Topic:Ordered list in HTML
Period:7th Time:45min
No of student:64 School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objective:

At the end of this class, student will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of ordered list in HTMl.
  • Create the different type of ordered list.

Teaching Material:

  • Marker ,Duster
  • Computer with text editor(notepad,vscode)
  • Browser for testing (chrome and msedge)

Teaching Learning Activty:

  • Begin by discussing the importance of ordered list in web page.
  • Explain the ordered list are used when the order of item matter.
  • Introduc the <ol> and <li> tag and explain its purpose and creating ordered list..
  • Emphasize that the numbers in ordered lists are automatically generated by the browser.
  • Demonstrate the below example how to add item to the ordered list.


  • Explain and demonstrate the use of the "type" attribute to change the numbering style like "A","i","1","a".


  • Encourage them to experiment with different numbering styles using the type attribute.
  • Summarize the key points of the lesson ,Emphasize the use of <ol> <li> tag and "type" attribute in creating ordered list.


How to create a item in ordered list.:write a step.

Define ordered list with its tag. Explain