User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 18

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Subject:Computer Science Class:8"A"
Unit:17 Topic:Unordered list in HTML
Period:7th Time:45min
No of student:64 School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objective:[edit | edit source]

  • Student will understand the concept of unordered list.
  • student will be able to create different type of bulleted list.

Teaching Material:[edit | edit source]

  • Marker,Duster, Whiteboard
  • Laptop with text editor
  • Browser for testing(chrome and msedge)

Teaching Learning Activity:[edit | edit source]

  • Start by asking a question, what they know about unordered list.
  • Brifely introduce the concept of unordered list and its tag.
  • Introduction to common attributes such as "type" for changing bullet styles.
  • Introduc the <ul> and <li> tag and explain its purpose and creating unordered list..
  • Demonstarte the creation of an un-ordered list in HTML using a text editor or on a projector.
  • Show examples of the HTML structure for creating an unordered list.



  • Encourage the student to ask the questions.
  • Provide a simple task or exercise for students to practice creating their own unordered lists. For example, they create a list of their favorite teachers, books, or countries they want to visit.
  • Encourage them to experiment with different types of bullets , color and alignments.
  • Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

  • What is the default item marker in unordered list of HTML?
  • How to create un-ordered list in HTML with suitable example?