User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson plan 6

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Subject:Computer Science




Topic:Basic terminology of internet

School:Adarsha secondary school

Specific Objectives:

  • Students will able to understand the essential terminology related to the internet.

Teaching Material:

  • marker,dustor,whiteboard.
  • laptop with internet access.

Teaching Activity:

  • Begin with a asking questions about pre-discussion class.
  • if they understand clearly about prediscussion topics, start a new topics today.
  • Brifely explain the importance of the internet in the todays world.
  • Ask studnet to share their experience and uses of the internet .
  • Brifely explain the basic terminology of internet such as web page, web browser,web server , internet service protocol, gateway ,URL serch engine.
  • Demonstarte on the https, http and domain name by using/opening any web browser or website.
  • Summarize the key points discussion during the class.
  • Encourage the studnets to ask the questions and allow to share their thought.


Write a short note:

  • Web browser
  • Web page
  • Search engine

write a key differences between https and http.