User:Elina Real Teaching lesson Plan 17

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Subject:Computer Science Class:8"A"
Unit:18 Topic:Flowchat and its component
Period:7th Time:45min
no of student:64 School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objectives

  • Students will able to understand the components of a flowchart and be able to create a simple flowchart with emphasis on using different shapes for various operations.

Teaching Material

  • Whiteboard and markers.
  • Chart paper and markers.
  • Individual sheets of paper and pencils for each student.
Symbol of flow chart


  • Start by asking students if they have heard of flowcharts and if they know their purpose.
  • Briefly explain that flowcharts are visual representations of processes or algorithms.
  • A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents a workflow or process.
  • A flowchart can also be defined as a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm, a step-by-step approach to solving a task.
  • The flowchart shows the steps as boxes of various kinds, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows.

Basic Components:

  • Introduce the basic components of a flowchart:
  1. Oval: Represents the start or end of a process.
  2. Rectangle: Represents a process or task.
  3. Diamond: Represents a decision point (yes/no question).
  4. Parallelogram: Represents input or output operations.
  5. Arrow: Represents the flow or direction of the process.

Activity-Creating a Simple Flowchart:

  • Choose a simple process (e.g., Calculate area of rectangle) and draw a flowchart on the whiteboard, incorporating all the components.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and discuss the purpose of each shape.
  • Have students practice drawing the flowchart on their individual sheets, focusing on using the correct shapes for each component.

Hands-On Practice:

  • Ask students to create a flowchart for a process of calculate volume of cube in copy.
  • Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to print natural number from 1 to 10 and find their sum.
  • Emphasize the use of different shapes for different components.
  • Walk around the class to provide assistance and guidance.


  • Ask a few students to share their flowcharts with the class, pointing out the different components used.
  • Summarize the key components: ovals for the start/end, rectangles for processes, diamonds for decisions, parallelograms for input/output, and arrows for the flow.
  • Emphasize the importance of using flowcharts as a visual tool for understanding and planning processes.


  • Check the flowcharts from the students copy.
  • Assess the flowcharts based on the correct use of components (ovals, rectangles, diamonds, parallelograms, and arrows) and the logical representation of the chosen process.