Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Elina/Lesson plan 1
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Subject: Computer Science Unit: 7 Class: 7 Topic: Computer Network & its components Time: 10min
Specific Objective:
At the end of this lesson, student will be able :
- To define computer network
- To idetify its components
Teaching aids:
- Whiteboard and marker
- Laptop and Projector
- Computer network is a system in which multiple computer are connected to each other to share information and resource.

Main Components (5min):
- NIC(Network Interface Card)component of compter network
- Switch
- Cable
- Hub
- Modem
- Router
- Communicating using email, video, instant messaging etc
- Sharing device such as printer, Scanners etc
- Sharing files
- Sharing software and operating program on remote system
- Allowing network user to easily access and maintain information
Define computer networks with its components.
How computer network influence in our life?