Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Elina Bastola/Lesson plan 2
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Subject: Computer Science Unit: 8 Class: 7 Topic:HTML(Hyper text markup language) heading Time: 10min
Specific Objectives
At the end of this lesson, student will be able to:
- understanding the concept of HTML heading,
- create heading and sub-heading in HTML document.
Teaching Materials
- Whiteboard & marker
- Laptop and projector
Introduction 2min
- HTML heading tag is used to define the headings of a page.
- There are six levels of headings defined by HTML.
- These 6 heading elements are h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, and h6.
defines the most important heading and<h6>
defines the least important heading..
Heading types 2min:
- H1 heading: <h1> is used for the main heading. (Biggest in size)
- H2 heading: <h2> is used for subheadings,
example - H3 heading :<h3> -,h5> heading are also used in subheading.
- H6 heading: <h6> for the small heading (smallest one).
- https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_headings.asp
Classroom Activity 3min:
- Open a Notepad and start writing a basic HTML structure.
- Demonstrate the use of heading tag by creating a simple webpage.
Hands on practice 2 min:
- Ask students to create their own basic webpage using various heading tags.
- walk around to assist student and answer questions.
Conclusion 1 min:
- Summarize the key points of (h1 heading to h6 heading)
- Encourage student to practice HTML code in different text editor like vs code and sublime text .
Evaluation :
- explain HTML heading and its types.
- Which heading is called largest heading in HTML?
- Which heading is called smallst heading in HTML?
- How to insert heading in HTML?.