User:Elina Real Teaching Lesson Plan 4

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Subject:Computer Science



Topic:Basic terminology of multimedia


School:Adarsha Secondary School

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this class, student will be able to:

  • Understand the basic terminology of multimedia with its advantages and disadvantages.

Teaching Material:

Teaching Learning Activity:

  • Begin by starting a question what they know about the concept of multimedia and its basic terminologies.
  • If they know about multimedia, allow to share their knowledge.
  • Discuss the different terminology of multimedia such as Multimedia file, Multimedia software, Accelearted Graphics Port(AGP), Multimeda Personal Compuetr(MPC), Windows media player, VLC media player(VLC).
  • Discuss the Advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.

Classroom Activity:

Asign the follwing task:

  • Fll in the gaps with Correst word.
  1. a combination of multiple media such as text, audio, video and image.
  2. .................applies interactivev computer element, such as graphics, text, video, sound and animation to deliver a message.
  3. a very powerful tool for the teaching learning activities so that learning process is becoming easier.
  4. The use of multimedia in.......can make more changes in the teaching and learning activities.
  5. are also used to provide health service al over the world with the help of video conference.
  6. We can add.......... in the advertisement to make it more effective and interesting.


  • Summarize the key point cover during the topics.
  • Encourage the student to ask the questions.
  • provide addition resource for self study :


  • Evaluate students based on their participation in class discussions, understanding of multimedia terminology, and the quality of their reflections on the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.