User:Elina Lesson Plan 7

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Subject: Computer Science                                    Unit: 7
Class: 8                                                     Topic: impacts of computer in society
Time: 15min                                                    Period: 2nd                                                                         

Specific Objectives:[edit | edit source]

At the end of this lesson:

  • Student wil be able to understand the profound impact of computer on verious aspects of modern society.

Teaching Materials:[edit | edit source]

  • Whiteboard, marker and duster;
  • Laptop and projector.

Introductions 3min:[edit | edit source]

  • Begin the lesson with a discussion on the ubiquity of computers in daily life.
  • Ask students to brainstorm areas where computers are used (e.g., education, healthcare, entertainment, etc.).

Introduce the impact of computer in society:[edit | edit source]

  • Nowadays, computers are used in almost all the fields of our daily life and the society.
  • They are used in business, entertainment, education, industries, medicine, banks, science and technology, homes, transportation, and communication
  • The terms 'computer' and 'society' are complementary to each other i.e. with computer knowledge based society cannot be achieved.
  • The progress of any country is measured on the development and advancement in (IT) Information Technology.

Major applications of computer in society 4min:[edit | edit source]

  1. Management: The computer can also be used as a managerial tool to assist in solving business problems.
  2. Banking: The branches of banks are equipped with terminals giving them and online accounting facility and enabling them to information about current balances, deposits, overdrafts and interest charges.
  3. Industrial Applications: In industry, production may be planned, coordinated and controlled with the aid of a computer.
  4. Engineering Design: Computers help to calculate all the parts of a proposed design and also assist in the designing.
  5. Road traffic control: Computers assist to control the traffic lights of roads.
  6. Telephones: Computerized telephone exchanges handle an ever-increasing volume of calls very efficiently.

Positive impact of computer in society 3min:[edit | edit source]

  1. Education: E-learning, Distant learning, CBE (Computer Based Education) CAL (Computer Aided Learning), CAI (Computer Aided Instruction)
  2. Business: Buy and sell goods and services through internet. E-Commerce(Alibaba, Amazon ) (Daraz, Sastodeal)Multimedia: Using computer we can express information in any forms for eg, text, audio, video, animation, graphics for better understanding and effective communication
  3. Science and Technology: Latest inventions and innovations are the contributions of use of Computers in Science and technology. For eg, Space tourism is possible now a days
  4. Security: Computers can be used to provide physical security as well as data and software security. For eg, CCTV can be used for physical security whereas Antivirus firewall can be used for data security.

Negative impact of computer in society 3min:[edit | edit source]

  1. Reduce of employment: Extensive use of robots and machinery may replace large number of working force in industries, which leads to reduction of employment.
  2. Computer Crime: Different peoples use computer for different purpose. Some may commit illegal activities through computer and. technology such as cyber bullying, harassment, Piracy, Hacking, Cracking, Pornography etc.
  3. Expensive: Computers are expensive device. Not every one could afford latest technology which may leads to digital divide.
  4. Digital illiteracy: Every people doesn't have technological knowledge. Digitally illiterate people may find difficult to use computers.

Conclusion 2min:[edit | edit source]

  • summarize the key points covered during teh lesson( application, positive impact and negative impact of computer in society).

Assessment:[edit | edit source]

  1. Write a short note of positive and negative impact of computer in our daily life.
  2. Write the 10 uses of computer in our daily life.