User:Sabina thapa

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S.N. Lesson Plan Topic Date Remarks
1 User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson Plan 1 Types of Computer Network 30th November 2023‎ Taught
2 User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson Plan 2 Causes of Computer Virus 1st December 2023‎
3 User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson plan 3 Functions of Operating System 4th December 2023‎
4 User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson plan 4 Distributed Operating System 5th December 2023‎ Taught
5 User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson plan 5 Types of Attributes 6th December 2023

Peer-Teaching Lesson Plans

S.N. Lesson Topic Date Remarks
1 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 1 Introduction of Computer and It’s Characteristics 2023/12/04
2 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 2 Hardware and It’s Type 2023/12/05
3 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 3 Software and It’s Type 2023/12/06
4 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 4 Application Area of Computer 2023/12/07
5 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 5 Generation of Computer 2023/12/08
6 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 6 Introduction of Computer System and It’s Components 2023/12/10
7 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 7 Bus system and It’s Type 2023/12/11
8 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 8 Basic Concept of Memory and Types 2023/12/12
9 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 9 Primary Memory(RAM,ROM,Cache,Virtual) 2023/12/13
10 Peer-Teaching Lesson Plan 10 Differentiate between primary and secondary Memory 2023/12/14

Real Teaching

Subject:21st Century Skill
S.N. Level Lesson Topic Date Remarks
1 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-1 Definition Of 21st Century skill and It’s Components 2024/02/11
2 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-2 - ICTED-WIKI Components of 21st Century Skill:4C and IMT 2024/02/12
3 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-3 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of IMT framework 2024/02/13
4 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-4 - ICTED-WIKI Components of 21st Century Skill: FLIPS 2024/02/15
5 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-5 - ICTED-WIKI National Curriculum framework and 21st CS 2024/02/16
6 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-6 - ICTED-WIKI ATC21s 21st Century Skills 2024/02/18
7 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-7 - ICTED-WIKI Broad Outcomes of 21st Century Skills 2024/02/20
8 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-8 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of argument and it’s example 2024/02/21
9 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-9 - ICTED-WIKI Good vs Bad argument 2024/02/22
10 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-10 - ICTED-WIKI Deductive arguments vs non-deductive arguments 2024/02/23
11 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-11 - ICTED-WIKI Difference between Deductive arguments and non-deductive arguments 2024/02/25
12 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-12 - ICTED-WIKI Critical thinking activities in classroom 2024/02/26
13 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-13 - ICTED-WIKI Critical thinking activities in classroom (Practical Activity) 2024/02/27
14 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-14 - ICTED-WIKI Practical Activity By using Critical thinking 2024/03/03
15 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-15 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of innovation and creativity 2024/03/04
16 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-16 - ICTED-WIKI Difference between innovation and creativity 2024/03/05
17 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-17 - ICTED-WIKI Classroom Activities of creativities and innovation 2024/03/10
18 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-18 - ICTED-WIKI Communication and It's Advantages 2024/03/12
19 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-19 - ICTED-WIKI Component of Communication 2024/03/17
20 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-20- ICTED-WIKI Types of Communication media 2024/03/18
21 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-21 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of collaboration 2024/03/19
22 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-22- ICTED-WIKI Social media and collaboration practices 2024/03/20
23 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-23- ICTED-WIKI Classroom collaboration 2024/03/21
24 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-24 - ICTED-WIKI Need of Classroom collaboration 2024/03/26
25 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-25 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of media literacy for learner 2024/04/01
26 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-26 - ICTED-WIKI Guidelines of media literacy 2024/04/02
27 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-27 - ICTED-WIKI Digital citizen 2024/04/03
28 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-28 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of Digital netiquettes 2024/04/04
29 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-29 - ICTED-WIKI Application area of video materials 2024/04/05
30 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-30 - ICTED-WIKI Process of create, publish, share audio, video materials 2024/04/07
31 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-31- ICTED-WIKI Concept of Creativity and Innovation 2024/05/12 Internal Final Teaching
32 BICTE 3rd User:Sabina Thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-32 - ICTED-WIKI Concept of Communication and It’s Components 2024/05/17 External Final Teaching

Internal Supervisor

Govinda Neupane

Student Teacher

Sabina Thapa

Video material of teaching

This is the video material of (Concept of creativity and Innovation) for External Teaching Report.