User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-30

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Teaching Lesson Plan-30

Subject: 21st Century Skill                                                                             Date: 9th , April

Time: 50 minutes                                                                                            Period: 2nd

Unit: Communication, collaboration and media literacy                               Class: 3rd Semester

Teaching Item: Process of create, publish, share audio, video materials

1.    Specific Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able:

·      To demonstrate the process of create, publish, share audio, video materials.

Teaching Materials

Beside the daily use materials, I will use:

3. Teaching Learning Activities

·       Begin the session with today's topic and objectives.

·       Explain the process of create, publish, share audio, video materials with the help of PowerPoint slides.

·       After that, I will tell the example of video material which is used in our real life activity.

·       At last, I will clarify the all confusion of students with the help of Q/A and Discussion method.

4.    Evaluation

           I will ask some random questions:

·      Tell the process of create, publish, share audio, video materials.

5.     Homework

Q.1 Explain the process of create, publish, share audio, video materials.