User:Sabina thapa/Teaching Practice Lesson Plan-27

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Teaching Lesson Plan-27

Subject: 21st Century Skill                                                                             Date: 26th, March

Time: 50 minutes                                                                                            Period: 2nd

Unit: 3 (Communication, collaboration and media literacy)                                 Class: 3rd Semester

Teaching Item: Digital citizen and netiquettes

1. Specific Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

·      Define Digital citizen.

·       Tell Key aspects of being a digital citizen.

2. Teaching Materials

Beside the daily use materials, I will use:

·      Laptop

·      Presentation Slide

3. Teaching Learning Activities

·      After entering to the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to previous topic before starting lesson for their attention.

·      After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by defining Digital citizen by demonstrating pictures from the slides.

·      After that I will explain different Key aspects of being a digital citizen with the help of slides and I will also note some important points on white board.

·      Moreover, I will also demonstrate different criteria for being digital citizen in classroom through discussion and Q/A Method while clarifying student’s confusion.

4.  Evaluation

I will ask some random questions related to 21st Century Skill by noted down on white board.

·      Define Digital citizen.

·      Tell any 2 key aspects of being a digital citizen.

5. Homework

Q.1 Define digital citizen. Explain different aspects of being a digital citizen in detail.