Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Sabina Thapa/Peer Teaching Lesson Plan 3
Peer Teaching Lesson Plan-3
Subject: Computer Science Date: 6th, Feb
Time: 45 minutes Period: 4th
Unit: : Introduction to Computer Class: 12
Teaching Item: Software and It’s Type
1. Specific Objectives
At the completion of this lesson, students will be able:
· To define the concept of Software,
· To list the Types of software,
2. Teaching Materials
Beside the daily use materials, I will use:
· Laptop
· Presentation Slide
3. Teaching Learning Activities
· Begin the session with today's topic and objectives.
· Explain a concept of Software with the help of PowerPoint slides.
· Then, I will discuss the Types of software.
· Summarize key points from the lesson.
4. Evaluation
I will ask some random questions related to Software:
· Define software.
· Tell the Types of software.
5. Homework
Q.1What is Software? Explain its Types of software.