User:Sabina thapa/Micro teaching Lesson plan 4

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Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan 4

Subject: Operating System                                                                          Time: 15 min

Class: Bachelor's 1st Semester                                                                    Date: Dec 5, 2023

Unit: Three (Operating System)

Topic: Types of Operating system

Teaching Item: Distributed OS

1. Specific Objectives

At the Completion of this lesson students will be able:

  • to define the concept of Distributed operating system
  • to tell the different Types  of Distributed operating systems

2. Instructional Materials

Beside the daily use materials I will use: PowerPoint Slides, Laptop, Projector etc.

3. Teaching Learning Activities

·       After entering to the classroom, I will introducing today’s topic through connection with previous lesson,

·       After that, with the help of PowerPoint slide I will explain the concept of Distributed Operating system.

·       And then, I will discuss the Types of Distributed operating system with the help of Presentation slides and I will also note down types on white board.

·       Moreover, at last I will summarize the topic through discussion and Question &Answer method  for clarifying student’s confusion.

4. Evaluation

·       Tell the definition of distributed OS,

·       Write the types of Distributed OS,

·       Define Client server System,

Class Teacher:                                                                                             Student Teacher:

Nawaraj Ghimire                                                                                            Sabina Thapa

Date: 2080-08-19                                                                                          Date:2080-08-19