MED Regular Entrance 2081 Part 5

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Read the following paragraph and answer the questions. (Q 81-Q 85)

There is a place forty kilometers north-east of Portland, Victoria, which makes for an unusual visit. It is lake Condah. Here are to be found remains of aboriginal settlements: the circular stone bases of several hundred huts, rock-lined water channels, and stone tools chipped from rock not normally found in the area. One of the attractions of Lake Condah ling ago was its fish and the most startling evidence of aboriginal technology and engineering to be found there are the systems built to trap fish. Water courses had been constructed by redirecting streams, building stone sides and even scraping out new channels. At strategic spots, they piled rocks across the water courses to create weirs and build funnels to channel eels and fish into conical baskets. This is an eel-fishing technique which has hardly changed to the present day. Beside some of the larger traps, there are the outlines of rectangular, stone- lined ponds, probably to hold fish and keep them fresh.

81. The word ‘remain’ as used in the above passage means:

a. Distant culture

b. Opposite picture

c. Electronic print

d. Continually existing

82. Lake Condah is seen as unusual, mainly because:

a. It is so close to the main part of the town that nobody thinks it important.

b. There are remains of building and other engineering designs to be found.

c. There are some small stones stored in huge piles.

d. People living near lake did not depend on fish for food.

83. Which of the following can be the evidence of people’s settlement that existed in the earliest times around Lake Condah?

a. Circular stone bases of huts

b. Unusual visit to lake

c. Attraction of lake

d. Startling technology

84. Which of the following things is to be found in the lake area?

a. Stone tools chipped from rock

b. Attraction of strange temple

c. Observation of tourism activities

d. Attraction of ancient palace

85. How were the eels and fish channeled into conical baskets?

a. By keeping the fish fresh after taking them out of water

b. By changing the fishing technique to the present day

c. By piling rocks across the water courses at strategic spots

d. By chipping rocks found in the area and using them as weapons

86. The sentence one of these days said mary youll get into trouble does not have a proper punctuation. Which of the following corrections has the correct punctuation?

a. One of these days, said Mary, you’ll get into trouble.

b. “One of these days”, said Mary “you’ll get into trouble”

c. “One of these days”, said Mary. “you’ll get into trouble.”

d. “One of these days”, said Mary, “you’ll get into trouble.”

87. How do you change the sentence He often uses sports jargon in conversation, keeping the same meaning?

a. He never uses sports jargon in conversation.

b. Sports jargon are often used in conversation by him.

c. Sports jargon is often used in conversation by him.

d. Sports jargon had often been used in conversation by him.

88. The word fake has the same initial consonant sound as in the word.

a. Take

b. Pact

c. Lake

d. Fish

89. How many morphemic components are there in the word rewriting?

a. One

b. Four

c. Three

d. Two

90. Which of the following is the right order of words according their occurrence in the dictionary?

a. Channel-Chipped-Construct-Circular-Course-Create

b. Channel-Chipped-Circular-Construct-Course-Create

c. Create-Channel-Chipped-Construct-Circular-Course

d. Create-Chipped-Channel-Construct-Circular-Course

91. पाँचओटा अक्षरले बनेको शब्द कुन हो ?

क. सामग्री

ख. सहभागिता

ग. घरायसी

घ. संविधान

92. गोलित स्वर ध्वनि कुन हो ?

क. उ

ख. इ

ग. ए

घ. आ

93. प्रचार प्रसारमा कुन किसिमको व्यावहारिक लेखन उपयोग गरिन्छ ?

क. समवेदना

ख. चिठी

ग. विज्ञापन

घ. भर्पाई

94. कुन विधाका रचनामा पात्रहरूको सक्रियता बदी हुन्छ ?

क. दैनिकी

ख. निबन्ध

ग. कविता

घ. नाटक

95. ।।।दोबाटो’ शब्द कुन प्रक्रियाबाट बनेको हो ?

क. समास

ख. द्वित्व

ग. मिश्रण

घ. कर्तन

96. उच्चारण गर्न सकिने व्यञ्जन वर्ण कुन हो ?

क. ण

ख. ञ

ग. न

घ. ष

97. ।।।मज्जाले हाँसियो’ कुन वाच्यको उदाहरण हो ?

क. कर्तृवाच्य

ख. कर्मवाच्य

ग. सरलवाच्य

घ. भाववाच्य

98. नेपाली भाषामा लिब्गका आधारमा रूपायन नहुने वर्ग कुन हो ?

क. नाम

ख. सर्वनाम

ग. विशेषण

घ. क्रिया

99. नेपालमा कुन भाषिक समुदायका मानिसहरू सबैभन्दा धेरै छन्?

क. भारोपेली

ख. भोट बर्मेली

ग. द्रबिड

घ. आग्नेली

100. ।।।धेरै माथि’ कुन पदावली हो ?

क. नाम

ख. विशेषण

ग. क्रियाविशेषण

घ. क्रिया
