MED Regular Entrance 2081

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Faculty of Education


Common Education Admission Test (CEAT) Time:2 hrs

Level: Master (M.Ed. and MSSEd.) Full Marks: 100

Mark (O) the letter corresponding to the right answer of each question

1. Which of the following signifies the meaning of metaphysics?

a. Things within the physical realm

b. Things beyond the physical realm

c. Things within the knowledge realm

d. Things within logical realm

2. Which of the following statements is associated with the view of idealism?

a. The material world is always changing.

b. The material world is the real world.

c. The ultimate reality consists of ideas.

d. No ultimate reality exists behind the universe.

3. Which of the following realms of value is associated with optimism, pessimism, and meliorism?

a. The worth of living

b. The highest good

c. The motivation of conduct

d. Social value

4. Which of the following school of philosophy claims that the earth, fire, air, and water are the causes of creation?

a. Nyaya

b. Vaisesika

c. Sankhya

d. Yoga

5. Among different Buddhist philosophical text, what does the Sutta Pitaka signify?

a. Philosophical code

b. Social code

d. Religious code

d. Ethical code

6. Which of the following Vedas is recognized as the fourth Veda?

a. The Atharvaveda

b. The Samaveda

c. The Rigveda

d. The Yajurveda

7. “Truth is always changes according to time, place, and situation.” This principle is associated with which of the following school of philosophy?

a. Realism

b. Naturalism

c. Idealism

d. Pragmatism

8. Which of the following statements signifies the concept of community?

a. A small territorial group that can embrace all aspects of social life

b. A group of people participating in continuous social connection

c. A group of people who regularly meet because of common interests, beliefs, or activities

d. A group that is united by a common set of aims and values

9. “An analysis of the sociological process involved in the educational institution.” This statement is associated with which of the following discipline of knowledge?

a. Educational sociology

b. Sociology

c. Sociology of education

d. Sociological foundation of education

10. Which of the followings is the hindrance of national integration?

a. Expansion of education

b. Resource distribution

c. Equitable people participations

d. Favorism and nepotism

11. Which of the following is adopted policy by Nepal to meet the goal of EFA?

a. Provide free and compulsory education up to 12 grade

b. Provide compulsory education up to secondary level

c. Provide free education up to secondary level

d. Provide free technical and vocational education up to basic level

12. Which of the following is a feature of inclusive education?

a. Highly supports to special needs learner

b. Includes disable and non-disable learners

c. Provides a special help for deprived learner

d. Uses separate curriculum for helping disable learner

13. Which of the following sociological theory says that thesis, anti- thesis, and synthesis are the principles of social development?

a. Contradiction theory

b. Neo-Critical theory

c. Structural functional theory

d. Symbolic interaction theory

14. Which of the following selection policy may be fruitful to ensure social justice in education?

a. Selection based on meritocracy

b. Selection based on economic condition

c. Selection based on ability

d. Selection based on positive discrimination

15. Right- based education takes education as....

a. Personal right

b. Human rights

c. Right of inclusion

d. Equality in access

16. Which of the following is the modern concept of psychology?

a. Science of behavior

b. Science of soul

c. Science of mind

d. Science of consciousness

17. What does educational psychology mean?

a. Applied branch of philosophy

b. Theoretical branch of philosophy

c. Theoretical branch of psychology

d. Applied branch of psychology

18. What is the main factor of individual differences?

a. Cultural ground

b. Heredity

c. Maturation

d. Social structure

19. Which of the following best describes problematic children?

a. Intellectually special

b. Physically special

c. Socially special

d. Delicate special

20. The aim of guidance is ............

a. to solve behavior disorder

b. to assist to explore personal potentialities

c. to enhance power of an individual

d. to assist to adjust with distress
