MED Regular Entrance 2081 Part 2

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21. Which of the following exemplifies a learned behavior?

a. A bird flying

b. A man swimming

c. A child sucking thing

d. A bee making hive

22. Which of the following is an example of learning?

a. Natural response

b. Native response

c. Purposive response

d. Reflex action

23. Behavior shaping is the characteristics of which of the following learning theory?

a. Classical conditioning

b. Operant conditioning

c. Trial and error learning

d. Insightful learning

24. Skills too difficult for a child to master on his/her own effort but can be done by the support of others is known as.........

a. MKO

b. ZPD

c. Scaffolding

d. Cultural Tools

25. Previous knowledge is helpful to learn a new topic is known as

a. horizontal transfer

b. lateral transfer

c. figural transfer

d. vertical transfer

26. Which of the following is the last phase of skill learning?

a. Cognitive phase

b. Fixation phase

c. Autonomous phase

d. Application phase

27. Which of the following is the basic assumption of behaviorist approach?

a. Children are little scientists who actively construct their knowledge and understanding of the world.

b. Human being is neither good nor bad, they simply respond to their environment.

c. Children were not less intelligent than adults, they simply think differently.

d. Human behavior and feelings are powerfully affected by unconscious mind.

28. The characteristics of adolescence are:

a. Transitional, time of search for identity, problematic, time of unrealism, dreaded and period of change.

b. Short period, divided time, overlapping and negative.

c. Important, quarrelsome, elementary school age and problematic.

d. Time of search for identity, divided time, quarrelsome and true foundation age.

29. Which of the following behavioristic theory is based on reinforcement?

a. Pavlov's conditioning

b. Skinner's operant conditioning

c. Watson's conditioning

d. Guthrie's theory

30. “A child constructs knowledge on the basis of what he/she learns and acts in his/her environment.” This statement is related to .......

a. constructivism

b. cognitivism

c. behaviorism

d. humanism

31. What does test-retest reliability measures?

a. Consistency

b. Stability

c. Predictability

d. Objectivity

32. One teacher has to teach many grades at a time especially in

a. subject teaching

b. grade teaching

c. multi-grade teaching

d. part-time teaching

33. Which of the following is long term vision determined by Nepal as a part of sustainable development?

a. Providing education to all

b. Developing prosperous Nepal, happy Nepali

c. Maintaining peace in society

d. Strengthening harmony among people

34. Which step in Tyler's model involves choosing instructional methods, resources, and materials?

a. Determination of educational objectives

b. Selection of educational experiences

c. Organization of educational experiences

d. Assessment of student learning

35. Which of the followings are major criteria for content selection in a curriculum?

a. Validity and utility

b. Validity and significance

c. Learnability and variability

d. Learnability and utility

36. What is the main use of mode?

a. To find the average value

b. To find the maximum concentration of data

c. To find the position average

d. To find the average percentage

37. Which of the following statistical techniques is generally used to interpret the validity and reliability of test scores?

a. Measures of dispersion

b. Measures of variability

c. Measures of central tendency

d. Measures of correlation

38. Which of the following scales does have the qualities of real numbers and can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided?

a. Nominal

b. Ordinal

c. Interval

d. Ratio

39. Which of the following is an example of a performance-based assessment?

a. Multiple-choice test

b. True/false test

c. Essay test

d. Oral presentation

40. The superiority of teacher made test over standardized test is

a. more valid in local situation

b. more valid in national situation

c. based on uniform curriculum

d. based on standard scoring

