MED Regular Entrance 2081 Part 4

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61. Which of the following is micro instructional plan?

a. Curriculum plan

b. Lesson plan

c. Annual plan

d. Unit plan

62. Which of the following is the concept of pedagogy as an art?

a. Pedagogical theory

b. Instructional principles

c. Pedagogy in classroom practice

d. Art demonstration in classroom

63. What is the role of a teacher in classroom teaching as suggested by the instructional policies for school level education?

a. Care taker of the school children

b. Facilitator for student learning

c. Authority of pedagogy

d. Instruction planner

64. Which is at the center of classroom instruction?

a. Teacher

b. Textbook

c. Examination

d. Student

65. Which is the instructional strategy that is excluded from consolidation phase of lesson structure?

a. Value line

b. Quick-write

c. Predicting from terms

d. Save the last word

66. Which of the following is a basic scripture of “Sanatan Dharma”?

a. The Puranas

b. The Karmakanda

c. The Vedas

d. The astrology

67. How is the “Kirat Mundhum” transferred to next generation?

a. Oral form

b. Written form

c. Tantra form

d. Mantra form

68. The tradition of “Rodhi” is associated with

a. Tamang community.

b. Gurung community.

c. Rai community.

d. Limbu community.

69. Which of the following religious scripture gives emphasis on “Zakat”?

a. The Gita

b. The Sutta Pitaka

c. The Bible

d. The Quran

70. NESP brought all education systems under ......

a. National Education Board

b. National Educational Director

c. National Education Committee

d. National Education Controller

71. Who was the international educational adviser of the NNEPC 2011BS?

a. Hugh B. Wood

b. Jams B. Wood

c. Henry B. Wood

d. Canal B. Wood

72. The ICC Cricket World Cup (2023) final match was contested between ........

a. India-Australia

b. India-Sri Lanka

c. India-New Zealand

d. India-United Kingdom

73. Where was the epicenter of the earthquake that hit Jajarkot on 17th Karttik 2080 BS?

a. Khallanga

b. Ramidanda

c. Thaple

d. Ratamate

74. What is the full form of SAARC?

a. Southland Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

b. South-east Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

c. Southern Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

d. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation

75. Which one is known as a new district of republic Nepal?

a. Rolpa-west

b. Nawalparisi

c. East Rukum

d. Rolpa-east

76. Which is the second highest mountain in the world?

a. Mount Lhotse

b. Mount Kangchenjunga

c. Mount Makalu

d. Mount K2

77. Which of the following child right is mentioned in the Constitution of Nepal 2072?

a. Every child shall have the right to food sovereignty in accordance with law.

b. Every child shall have the right to elementary child development and child participation.

c. Every child shall have the right to an appropriate housing.

d. Every child shall have the right to acquire free treatment.

78. Which of the MDG focused on “Gender parity”?

a. Goal 1. Eradicate extreme Poverty

b. Goal 3. Gender equality

c. Goal 4. Reduce child mortality

d. Goal 5. Improve maternal health

79. At the end of the 15th plan, the goal of achieving the net enrollment rate at the basic level of education is

a. 96 percent

b. 97 percent

c. 98 percent

d. 99 percent

80. Which of the following was the expected survival rate for grade 8 at the end of SSDP (2022-2023)?

a. 96 percent

b. 97 percent

c. 98 percent

d. 99 percent

