Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
MED Regular Entrance 2081 Part 3
41. Which of the followings is the first step for planning a teacher made test?
a. Determining content
b. Preparing test items
c. Determining objectives
d. Preparing specification chart
42. Which is true about objective test?
a. Subjectivity
b. Objectivity
c. Creativity
d. Originality
43. An examiner awards certain points to an examinee on the basis of his/her previous impression while scoring essay test. In technical term it is called
a. subjective effect
b. objective effect
c. halo effect
d. point scoring
44. Rubric is generally known as
a. test guideline
b. item construction guideline
c. scoring guideline
d. evaluation guideline
45. Who approves the local curriculum?
a. Management Committee
b. Parent Teachers Organization
c. Head Teacher
d. Resource person
46. Which of the followings statement signify a research problem?
a. Statement that indicates the purpose of the study
b. Expectation about the relationship between variables
c. Sources of information to accomplish the study
d. Diagrammatic representation showing the relationship between concept and variables
47. Which of the followings concepts refers to sampling?
a. Collection of information from the field
b. Processing of data in the office
c. Dissemination of result at the meeting
d. Choosing representative items from the population
48. The proposition or approach which focuses specific to general case is ...
a. Inductive
b. Deductive
c. Inductive-deductive
d. Scientific
49. The assumption which claims no relationship exists among variables is ...
a. Research hypothesis
b. Test hypothesis
c. Alternative hypothesis
d. Null hypothesis
50. The research which demands large number of respondents for information is ...
a. Ethnographic research
b. Action research
c. Survey research
d. Case study research
51. Which of the following pedagogical aspect is aim to develop in the perspective teacher education program?
a. Pedagogy as art
b. Pedagogy as science
c. Pedagogy as craft
d. Pedagogy as learning
52. Which instructional strategy is planned by a classroom teacher when he/she emphasizes for knowledge building in classroom activities?
a. Value line and quick write
b. One stay and other stray
c. Mix, freeze, and pair
d. Save the last word
53. According to the constructivist pedagogical theory, which of the following instructional behavior is expected to practice in classroom instruction?
a. Facilitating learning process of students
b. Memorizing the content knowledge
c. Indoctrinating teacher’s thought and value
d. Dictating from prescribed textbook
54. The focus of teacher education is to develop professional quality of teachers. What explicit professional knowledge does it signify?
a. Content knowledge
b. Pedagogical knowledge
c. Pedagogical content knowledge
d. Pedagogical technological knowledge
55. Suppose you are a school teacher interested to enhance classroom learning with cooperative learning strategies despite the prevailing traditional seating arrangement of the school classrooms. Which of the following strategy would you think most applicable in the classrooms?
a. Jigsaw
b. Pen in middle
c. Paragraph expert
d. Brainstorming
56. How hoes the ICT-based pedagogy ensure the paradigm shift in the classroom power relation of teacher and student?
a. Blending the traditional and ICT-based pedagogy
b. Less effort of teacher preparation
c. Learner’s autonomy in acquiring skill
d. Transformation of teacher’s teaching skill
57. Despite lecture method is highly criticized being teacher centered, still this method is used in the classroom, why?
a. Meaningful for content organization
b. Meaningful to student participation
c. Meaningful for evaluation
d. Meaningful for judging ability
58. A teacher asks question to his/her students in the process of instruction, “Have you any ideas about the lesson being discussed? What may be new learning from this lesson?” Associate these questions with a particular component of the ABC lesson structure.
a. Teaching learning activities
b. Consolidation
c. Anticipation
d. Building knowledge
59. Why do the teacher education programs and instructional policies of Nepal emphasize on project work method?
a. It signifies pedagogical transformation
b. It is student-centered instruction
c. It connects the students with the real-life situation
d. It focuses activities
60. Why do the pedagogical scholars orient critical thinking classroom instruction?
a. To analyze complex context of an instruction
b. To respond the diversity of classroom
c. To make students active in learning
d. To achieve higher order cognitive learning