Micro TeachingEdit

Micro teaching is a focused teaching method where educators engage in brief, targeted sessions, often recorded for analysis.

Through iterative cycles of feedback and reflection, teachers refine specific teaching skills in a supportive environment, fostering continuous improvement.

S.N Lesson Plan Topic Date Remark
1 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 1 Cyber crime and its security 26 November 2023‎ Taught
2 User:Keshab/Lesson Plan 2 Basic concepts of computer programming ‎27 November 2023
5 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 3 Introduction and Application of AI 28 November 2023 Taught
4 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 4 Computer Graphics 29 November 2023
3 Main Page/Lesson Plan 5 Computer Virus 30 November 2023
6 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 6 Programming on QBASIC 01 December 2023
7 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 7 Introduction Of Number System 02 December 2023
8 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 8 Introduction to web design 03 December 2023
9 User:Keshab Lesson Plan 9 Introduction and application of firewall 04 December 2023
10 User:Keshab lesson Plan 10 Difference Between hardware and software components 05 December 2023

Real TeachingEdit

"Real teaching" involves the practical application of instructional strategies in the classroom, fostering engagement and creating a positive learning environment for students.

It encompasses the dynamic and responsive nature of facilitating effective learning experiences."

  1. Name Of School: Bhaktapur Nist School
S.N Lesson Plan Topic Materials Date Remark
1 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 1 Computer History & its Generation Projector,Board,Marker 24th January 2024 Taught
2 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 2 Types Of Computers Projector,Handout,Computer,Marker 25th January 2024 Taught
3 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 3 Introduction to System Software Projector,Marker,Computer,Chart 25th January 2024 Taught
4 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 4 Introduction to Application Software https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-application-software/ 26th January 2024 Taught
5 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 5 Introduction to Presentation Software YouTube Link:https://youtu.be/yuFzPTyiZ-k?si=0Dc1MC8DDCGeiB58 29th January 2024 Taught
6 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 6 Introduction to ICT & Cyber Law Daily Used Materials (Including Projector,Laptop) 29th January 2024 Taught
7 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 7 Understanding Computer Virus & Protection https://oag.ca.gov/privacy/facts/online-privacy/protect-your-computer. 30th January 2024 Taught
8 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 8 Exploring Types Of Communications Projector,Laptop,Newspaper,Handouts. 30th January 2024 Taught
9 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 9 Introduction to Web Page Development https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/web-development/ 30th January 2024 Taught
10 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 10 Introduction to websites. https://www.javatpoint.com/what-is-a-websiteExample:https://ekantipur.com/ 30th January 2024 Taught
11 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 11 Introduction to Word Processing. Other Aids Including


31th January Taught
12 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 12 General Introduction to Computer Network https://aws.amazon.com/ 2nd Feb 2024 Taught
13 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 13 Types of Computer Networks https://www.javatpoint.com/types-of-computer-network 4th Feb 2024 Taught
14 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 14 Components Of Data Communication https://www.geeksforgeeks 5th Feb 2024 Taught
15 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 15 Introduction to communication Channels https://www.knowledgehut.com 6th Feb 2024 Taught
16 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 16 Components of Network Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's 7th Feb 2024 Taught
17 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 17 Concept Of Network Topology https://www.techtarget.com/ 8th Feb 2024 Taught
18 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 18 Email Etiquette & Inbox Management Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's 9th Feb 2024 Taught
19 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 19 Basic Understanding Of HTML Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's 11th Feb 2024 Taught
20 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 20 Exploring HTML Heading Tags Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's 12th Feb 2024 Taught
21 User:Keshab Real teaching Lesson Plan 21 Embracing the <p> Tag in HTML. Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's

Along with https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/p

13th Feb 2024 Taught
22 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 22 Styling Text with Formatting and Font Tags in HTML Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's. 15th Feb 2024 Taught
23 User:Keshab Real Teaching Lesson Plan 23 Fun with Computer Graphics and Text Styling Daily Used Teaching Learning Material's. 16th Feb 2024 Taught