User:Keshab Lesson Plan 1

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Subject Computer Science Time: 20 Minutes

Topic :Cyber crime and its security. Total no of students: 20

Class: VIII

Specific objectives[edit | edit source]

  1. To learn the concept of cyber crime,
  2. its impact and
  3. basic cybersecurity practice.

Teaching aids[edit | edit source]

  • White board and Markers
  • Computer and Internet.

Introduction (3 minutes)[edit | edit source]

Define cybercrime and its forms.

Discuss the importance of cybersecurity.

Types of cyber crime(3 minutes)[edit | edit source]

Explain Phishing malware and hacking.

Cybersecurity Basics (5 Minutes)[edit | edit source]

Emphasize the importance of strong password and multi factor authentication

Advocate for regular software updates

Educate about safe browsing and recognize the potential risk.

Case study (2 minutes)[edit | edit source]

Examine Real life cyber crime cases and foster discussion on how these incidents could have been avoided with proper cybersecurity measures.

Cybersecurity tools (2 Minutes)[edit | edit source]

Explore Antivirus software firewall

Encourage students to understand the purpose and functionality of these tools in protecting digital assets.

Group activity(3 Minutes)[edit | edit source]

Assign Scenarios related to cybersecurity issues for analysis

Encourage collaborative problem solving and propose preventive measure

Discussion and Q&A( 2 Minutes)[edit | edit source]

Conduct a comprehensive class discussion on group activities

Address any questions or concerns regarding cybercrime or cybersecurity.

Assignments[edit | edit source]

Assign a research task on emerging cybersecurity threats or innovative technologies in the field.