Micro Teaching:

Microteaching  is a part of teacher training technique, which taught me how to be a better teacher. I focused on specific parts of teaching, like explaining things clearly and keeping students interested. Getting feedback from my classmates helped me see what I was doing well and what I could improve. During microteaching, I used different teaching methods like lecture, demonstration, and discussion. In the lecture, I focused on explaining concepts clearly. Doing it multiple times let me practice and get better each time. I also learned to be flexible in how I teach and to make sure everyone feels included in the class. In discussion, i  actively participated  with student and solve  their problem. i asked the  questions to the student, moderate the discussion, and guide students in exploring different perspectives. Microteaching was a best way for me to improve and feel more confident in my teaching skills

S.N Lesson Plan Topics Date Remarks
1. User:Dipak lesson plan 1 Introduction To Computer Virus 29 November 2023 Taught
2. User:Dipak lessonplan2 Introduction To Computer and Peripheral Devices 30 November 2023
3. User:Dipak lessonplan3 Active attack vs passive attack 1 Dec 2023 Taught
4. User:Dipak lessonplan-4 Exploring Input Devices 2 Dec 2023
5. User:Dipak lessonplan-5 Exploring Output Devices 3 Dec 2023
6. User:Dipak lessonplan-6 Applications of AI 4 Dec 2023
7. User:Dipak lessonplan-7 cryptography and its importance 5 Dec 2023
8. User:Dipak lessonplan-8 Uses of AI in Education 6 dec 2023
9. User:Dipak lessonplan-9 uses of computers in daily life 7 Dec 2023
10. User:Dipak lessonplan-10 Role of AI in Daily life 8 dec 2023

Real Teaching:

Real teaching was the real deal, like being in a real classroom with all kinds of students. I learned to adapt to different needs and Make sure everyone understood in class . I used different ways of teaching techniques, like demonstration, lecturer and discussing like in microteaching  and visualized the problems of students nearby and understanding and solved their problem . Real teaching taught me a lot about being a teacher in the real world.

School: Adarsha Secondary School, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

S.N Lesson Plan Chapter Topic Date Remarks
1 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan1 Internet Internet Safety 2023-12-27 Taught
2 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan2 Internet Uses of Internet in Daily Life 2023-12-28 Taught
3 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan3 Internet Advantages and Disadvantages of Intenet 2023-12-29 Taught
4 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan4 Email Email and its uses 2024-1-17 Taught
5 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan5 Email Writing Effective Emails 2024-1-18 Taught
6 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan6 Powerpoint Powerpoint and its Uses 2024-1-19 Taught
7 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan7 Computer Software Types of Computer Software 2024-1-21 Taught
8 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan8 Algorithm and Flowchart Introduction to Flow Chart 2024-1-22 Taught
9 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan9 Algorithm and Flowchart Introduction to Algorithm 2024-1-23 Taught
10 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan10 Computer System Classification of computer on the basis of working principle 2024-1-24 Taught
11 User:Dipak_Realteaching-lessonplan11 Computer System Classification of Computer on the baisis of Size 2024-1-25 Taught
12 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan12 History of Computer History of Computer 2024-1-26 Taught
13 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan13 Generation of Computers Introduction to Computer Generations 2024-1-28 Taught
14 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan14 Generation of Computers Fourth Geneartion and Current Trends 2024-1-29 Taught
15 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan15 Generation of Computers Hands-on Activity and Recap 2024-1-30 Taught
16 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan16 History of Computer History of Computer 2024-1-31 Taught
17 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan17 Introduction to Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Introduction to Information Communication and Technology (ICT) 2024-2-1 Taught
18 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan18 Introduction to Information Communication and Technology (ICT) ICT Tools and Technologies 2024-2-2 Taught
19 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan19 Computer Networks Introduction to Computer Networks 2024-2-4 Taught
20 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan20 Computer Networks Types of Computer Networks 2024-2-5 Taught
21 User:Dipak_Realteachng-lessonplan21 Computer Networks Advantages of Computer Networks 2024-2-5 Taught