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Micro Teaching

S.N Lesson plan Topic Date Remark
1 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 1 Fundamental Of Computer 2080/07/19 Teach
2 User:Ashishsainju.lesson plan 2 Introduction to Computer Software 2080/07/20 Teach
3 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 3 Generations of computer 2080/07/21
4 User:Ashishsainjulesson plan 4 Types of Computer 2080/07/22
5 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 5 Introduction to Multimedia 2080/07/24
6 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 6 Computer Viruses 2080/07/25
7 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 7 Algorithm and Flowchart 2080/07/26
8 User:Ashishsainju lesson plan 8 Computer Network 2080/07/27

Real Teaching

School Name: [Shree Saraswoti Secondary School

Subject: Computer Science

S.N. Grade Lesson plan Topic Date Remarks
1 8 User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 1 Introduction to Microsoft Office Suite 2080/09/11


2 8 User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 2 Introduction to Microsoft Word 2080/08/13 Taught
3 8 User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 3 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2080/09/14 Taught
4 8 User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 4 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2080/09/15 Taught
5 8 User:Ashishsainju real Teaching Lesson Plan 5 Web Page Designing: HTML 2080/10/02-2080/09/05 Taught