PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 5

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Education


Postgraduate Diploma in Education Entrance Test (PDEET)

Level: PGDE

Time: 2 hr

Full Marks: 100

Mark (O)the letter corresponding to the right answer of each question

41. What is research?  

a. A systematic inquiry to discover new knowledge 

b. An opinionated statement 

c. A random collection of data

d. A summary of existing knowledge

42. What is the purpose of research?

a. To generate new knowledge and understanding 

b. To prove a hypothesis correct 

c. To provide scholarly entertainment 

d. To promote students grade

43. What is action research? 

a. Research that takes action quickly 

b. Research conducted to solve specific problems and improve practices

c. Research conducted in secret 

d. Research conducted with income generation purpose

44. What is the primary focus of action research? 

a. Generating profit 

b. Academic achievement 

c. Solving real-world problems 

d. Conducting experiments

45. Which of the following is a step in the action research process? 

a. Hypothesis formulation 

b. Reflecting on outcomes 

c. Hypothesis testing 

d. Needs assessment

46. What is the relationship between educational research and policymaking? 

a. Education research confirms public participation 

b. Educational research informs policy decisions by providing evidencebased recommendations 

c. Policy-makers ignore educational research 

d. Educational research is controlled by policy-makers

47. What is the purpose of analyzing data in educational research?

a. To exploit the participants for data   

b. To identify patterns and trends 

c. To make data collection more difficult 

d. To avoid drawing conclusions

48. How does educational research contribute to professional development?

a. By discouraging educators from learning new things 

b. By providing opportunities for learning and growth 

c. By making professional development too expensive 

d. By promoting laziness

49. What is the role of ethics in educational research? 

a. To make research more data duplication 

b. To ensure that research is conducted ethically and responsibly 

c. To prevent researchers from having any fun 

d. To hindrance participants giving their views

50. What is the purpose of literature review in educational research? 

a. To focus only on a single lecture 

b. To review previous research and theoretical frameworks 

c. To make researchers look smart 

d. To focus on the literature of an author he/she knows

