Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 9
Tribhuvan University
Faculty of Education 2081 Postgraduate Diploma in Education Entrance Test (PDEET) Level: PGDE Time: 2 hr Full Marks: 100 Mark (O)the letter corresponding to the right answer of each question |
81. The meaning of “take-off” is:
a. departure
b. show off
c. make up
d. meeting point
82. What does the word “disappointed” mean?
a. disqualified
b. misguided
c. dissatisfied
d. mismanaged
83. I said, “The boy did not do it knowingly.”, If you are given this direct quote, how do you change it into indirect speech?
a. I said that the boy had not done it knowingly.
b. I asked that the boy had not done it knowingly.
c. I said that the boy would not have done it knowingly.
d. I said that the boy would not be done it knowingly.
84. Which of the following alternatives is true about the word ‘misguidedly’?
a. The word involves 3 morphemes, and it means ‘wrongly due to some bad judgment’.
b. The word involves 4 morphemes, and it means ‘wrongly due to some bad judgment’.
c. The word involves 2 free morphemes, and it means ‘wrongly due to some bad judgment’.
d. The word involves 3 morphemes, and it means ‘wrongly as a result of proper judgment’.
85. Which of the following words fits in the blank space in the sentence “How can we establish the feeling ….… love and affection among stepmothers?”
a. at
b. on
c. if
d. of
86. कुन कुन वर्णको उच्चारणमा समानता पाइन्छ ?
(क) क्ष, छे
(ख) य, ए
(ग) ऋ, रि
(घ) ओ, व
87. हलन्त उच्चारण गरेर पनि अजन्त लेखिने शब्द कुन हो ?
(क) निकुञ्ज
(ख) भयावह
(ग) जात्रा
(घ) मानवजीवन
88. ‘सुबी हाँस्दै छनʼ वाक्यमा ‘हाँस्दैʼ ले कुन शब्दवर्गलाई जनाउँछ ?
(क) क्रियायोगी
(ख) क्रियापद
(ग) नामयोेगी
(घ) विशेषण
89. कुन शब्दले आधारपदको भन्दा विपरीत अर्थ दिन्छ ?
(क) योग = वियोग
(ख) नाश = विनाश
(ग) हार= अनुहार
(घ) बन्ध = प्रबन्ध
90. रामप्रसादलाई ‘ए रामु !’ भन्दा कुन भावको बोध हुन्छ ?
(क) अपहेलना
(ख) तिरस्कार
(ग) उदासीनता
(घ) स्नेह
See More
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 2
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 3
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 4
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 5
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 6
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 7
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 8
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 9
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part 10
- PGDE Regular Entrance 2081 Part Answer Key