PGDE Regular Entrance 2081

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Education


Postgraduate Diploma in Education Entrance Test (PDEET)

Level: PGDE

Time: 2 hr

Full Marks: 100

Mark (O)the letter corresponding to the right answer of each question

1. What is the Net Enrolment Rate (NER) at grades 1–5 in Nepal?

a. 54.0 percent

b. 76.6 percent

c. 96.9 percent

d. 85.11 percent

2. What percentage of children aged 5-12 years are unable to access basic education in Nepal?

a. 12.1 percent

b. 4.9 percent

c. 16.6 percent

d. 24.0 percent

3. What challenge does the education system of Nepal face similar to those encountered by other developing countries?

a. Lack of motivated teachers

b. Limited access to schools in remote areas

c. Lack of trained teachers

d. Achieving gender parity

4. According to SESP 2022/23-2031/32, what is a major challenge in improving the quality of learning?

a. Lack of effective governance

b. Inadequate human resources

c. Insufficient funding

d. Weak leadership of head teachers

5. As per the constitutional guarantee, which ministry is responsible for the formulation of the plan for the development of Nepal's school education?

a. Ministry of Finance 

b. Ministry of Health

c. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

d. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology

6. What are the specific focus areas mentioned relation to the provision of health care services in schools?

a. Availability of first aid kits and deworming

b. Scholarships distribution

c. Only periodic check-ups

d. Expanding new building

7.What is the key emphasis of targeted interventions under the SESP to reduce disparities across regions in compliance with minimum enabling conditions?

a. Infrastructure development

b. Provision of separate toilets for male and female students

c. Development of individual education plans for children with disabilities

d. Introduction of early grade education in children's mother tongue

8. What is the primary focus regarding linguistically diverse contexts in the country's education system?

a. Teacher qualification criteria

b. Introduction of early grade education in children's mother tongue

c. Improving teacher incentive schemes

d. Expansion of capacity development opportunities for teachers

9. What is the primary goal of inclusive education?

a. Separating students based on abilities 

b. Excluding students with disabilities 

c. Providing equal educational opportunities for all students 

d. Focusing solely on academic achievement

10. How can educators foster a more inclusive classroom environment?

a. By acknowledging special learning needs 

b. By maintaining rigid teaching methods 

c. By adapting teaching strategies and learning materials 

d. By separating students with special needs from collaborative activities NEXT