User:Ankitpanta/ Real Teaching Lesson Plan 13

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Subject Grade Topic Time Period
Computer Sciencce IX Introduction to Web Design 45 mins 5th

Specific Objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Understand the basic principles of web design.
  • Identify key elements and tools used in web design.
  • Create a simple web page using HTML and CSS.
  • Teaching Materials
  • Computers with text editors or web development software
  • Projector or computer for multimedia presentation
  • Internet access for research and inspiration
  • Handouts with key terms and concepts

Introduction (5mins)[edit | edit source]

  • Begin with a discussion on the importance of web design in creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites.
  • Introduce key terms: web design, user interface, user experience, HTML, CSS, and responsive design.

Overview (15mins)[edit | edit source]

Explain the basic principles of web design:

  • Layout and structure
  • Color theory
  • Typography
  • Imagery and graphics
  • NavigationDiscuss the difference between HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) in web development.

Classroom Activities (10 mins)[edit | edit source]

Provide a brief overview of a fictional project or ask students to choose a topic for their web page.

  • In small groups, have students sketch a wireframe of their web page layout on paper.
  • Discuss the importance of planning and organizing content before starting the design process.

Hands-On Exercise (10 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Provide a simple HTML template for a webpage and guide students through adding basic content (headings, paragraphs) and styling using CSS.

  • Encourage creativity in the design process, allowing students to experiment with colors and fonts.

Conclusion (5mins)[edit | edit source]

Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.

  • Discuss the importance of continuous learning and staying updated with design trends in the web industry.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

Evaluate the completed web pages based on design principles, structure, and creativity. Additionally, assess participation during the hands-on exercise and interactive demonstration.