User:Sabina Thapa/Peer Teaching Lesson Plan 4

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Peer Teaching Lesson Plan-4

Subject: Computer Science                                                                            Date: 7th, Feb

Time: 45 minutes                                                                                            Period: 4th

Unit: : Introduction to Computer                                                                  Class: 12

Teaching Item: Application Area of Computer

1.   Specific Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able:

·      To Explain the application area of Computer

2.   Teaching Materials

Beside the daily use materials, I will use:

·       Laptop

·       Presentation Slide

3.    Teaching Learning Activities

·       Begin the session with today's topic and objectives.

·       Then, I will explain application area of computer l with the help of PowerPoint slides.

·       After that , I will discuss tell the real life example of application area of computer.

·       Summarize key points from the lesson.

·       At last, I will clarify the all confusion of students with the help of Q/A and Discussion method.

4.    Evaluation

I will ask some random questions related to this topic :

·      What are the application areas of Computer?

·      Tell any two advantages of computer.

5. Homework

Q.1 Explain the application areas of Computer.