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'''Course''': [[Complete Linux Training]]                                                                                                                                          '''Topic''': System Access and File System                                                                                                                                                    '''Time''': 15 Minutes                                                                                                                                                                    '''Date''': 2023-12-11

== Specific Objectives ==
At the end of this topic student will able to:
# Understand the important things of Linux
== Teaching Aids ==
* Whiteboard
* Marker
* laptop
== Recap of Previous Class ==
* Ask student about Operating System.
* Ask Student about  Linux.
== Content: ==
Important Things to remember in Linux
* Linux has a super-user account called root.
* Linux root is the most powerful account that can create, modify and delete the accounts and make changes to the system configuration files.
* Linux is a case-sensitive system.
* Avoid using space while creating files and directories.
* Linux Kernel is not and operating system. It is a small software that is within the Linux operating system that takes commands from users and pass them to system hardware and peripherals.
* Linux is mostly CLI not GUI.
* Linux is Flexible as compared to other operating system.
== Activity: ==
* <span style="color: red;">Describe user and role explain with real word example
** <P color="red">such as school (super user Head teacher, user, Account, User administration and class teacher )
* demonstrate create user using Linux command
** useradd
** Userdel
** whoami </span>
* Ask Student about Super User.
* Distinguish between Super User and Normal User using table.
== Assessment ==
* List the Activity that can be done by Super user and Normal User.

Revision as of 09:11, 22 January 2024