Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Ubic/micro teaching lesson plan 5
Subject: Computer Organization & Architecture Class :BICT 3rd Semester
Unit: 1 Time: 15 minutes
Topic: Introduction of computer system Period: 3rd
Teaching Item: Stored Program Concept
1. Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able :
- To define stored program concept.
- To explain Von-Neumann Model.
2. Instructional Materials:
- Daily usages materials
3. Teaching Learning Activities:
- At the beginning of the session with today's topic and objectives.
- After that, I will ask students what they know about stored program.
- After discussion, I will explain define stored program.
The term Stored Program refers to the storage of instructions in computer memory to enable it to perform a variety of tasks in sequence or intermittently.
The idea was introduced in the late 1040s by John von Neumann who proposed that a program be electronically stored in the binary-number format in a memory device so that instructions could be modified by the computer as determined by intermediate computational results.

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was the first computing system designed in the early 1940s. It was based on Stored Program Concept in which machine use memory for processing data.
- After that, I will demonstrate Von-Neumann Model.
Von-Neumann proposed his computer architecture design in 1945 which was later known as Von-Neumann Architecture. It consisted of a Control Unit, Arithmetic, and Logical Memory Unit (ALU), Registers and Inputs/Outputs.
Von Neumann architecture is based on the stored-program computer concept, where instruction data and program data are stored in the same memory. This design is still used in most computers produced today.
- At last, Sum up the topic and let students ask questions about this lesson and response them.
4. Assessment:
- The concept of storage of instruction in computer memory is .................
- What are the advantages of stored program concept?