User:Suraj Pandey/Lesson Plan 4

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Course: Complete Linux Training                                                                                                                                           Topic: System Access and File System                                                                                                                                 Sub-topic: File Structure and Its Description                                                                                                       Time: 15 Minutes                                                                                                                                                                     Date: 2023-12-12

Specific Objectives[edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

At the End of this Topic Student will able to;

  • Describe the file Structure of Linux file system

Teaching Aids[edit | edit source][edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

  • Whiteboard
  • Marker
  • laptop
  • Projector

Recap of Previous Class[edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

  • Ask Student about file system of Linux.

Content[edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

  • There filesystem structure of Linux are as follows
  1. /boot :-- Contains files that is used by boot loader (grub.cfg). Whenever your system opens the first files that runs from /boot folder.
  2. /root :-- Root user home directory. Its not same as /.
  3. /dev :-- System devices (eg. disk, cdrom, speakers, flash drive, keyboard, etc). Any Peripheral devices that are attached to Linux system are created as a file as well and stored in /dev folder.
  4. /etc. :-- It contains configuration files of your Linux System.
  5. /bin :-- Contains everyday user Commands.

Activity[edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

  • Ask Students About file System Structure in Linux.
  • Navigate through the File Structure in Linux System. [1]

Assessment[edit | edit source][edit | edit source]

Do Research About different Types of file system Structure of Linux.