User:Sumitra pokharel/lesson plan 28

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Subject: Computer Science Date: 2080-01-09

Time: 50 minutes Period: 1st

Unit: 7 Class:11

Teaching Item: Web technology School: Jana path secondary school

1. Specific Objectives

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able:

  • To identify the concept of HTML,
  • To identify the structure of HTML

2. Teaching Materials

Beside the daily use materials, I will use:

Daily uses materials

PowerPoint presentation slides

3. Teaching Learning Activities

Begin the session with today's topic and objectives.

  • Explain a concept of HTML with the help of PowerPoint slides.
  • Then, I will discuss the structure of HTML help of power point. After that, i will summarize key points from the lesson.
  • At last, I will clarify the all confusion of students with the help of Q/A and Discussion method.

4. Evaluation

I will ask some random questions related web technology :

What is HTML?

Write a structure of HTML.

5. Homework

Q.1 write a full form of HTML ?