User:Sumitra pokharel/lession plan 7

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Subject: Computer Science Date: 2080-12-21

Time: 15 Minutes Period: 1st

Unit: 3 ( computer software and operating system) Class: 11 "A" Section

School: Janapath secondary school

Specific Objectives

  1. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
  2. Understand different categories of software.
  3. clarify system software and utility software.

Teaching Materials:

Beside the daily use materials, I will use:

  1. Laptop

2. Presentation Slide

Teaching Learning Activities

1. After entering to the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to our previous lesson topic.

2. After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by explain the different type of software with suitable example help of PowerPoint slide.

3. After that I will explain software and also discuss about example of system software and utility software by demonstrating some important points with the help of slides.

4. Moreover, I will also summarize the topic through discussion and Q/A Method while clarifying student’s confusion.


I will ask some random questions related to the topic:

1. Tell the definition of, system software.

2. Tell any two main feature of utility software.

Class Teacher: sumitra pokharel date-2080-12-21