User:Subekshya/Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan 2

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Subject : Software Engineering

Period: Fifth

Topic:Waterfall Model

Teaching Item: Phases of waterfall model

Class: BICT 5th semester

Unit: One

Time: 10 min

No. of Students: 12

Specific Objective[edit | edit source]

At the end of this lesson students will be able to:

  • Understand about waterfall model
  • Define the objectives of different phases of waterfall model

Teaching Materials[edit | edit source]

Teaching Learning Activities[edit | edit source]

  1. Introduce todays topic.
  2. Explain about waterfall model.
  3. Show the figure of phases of waterfall model from ppt.
  4. Explain different phases of waterfall model.
  5. Show the table of outcoms.
  6. Sum up the topic and ask students if they have any doubt.

Evaluation[edit | edit source]

1. What is the primary characteristic of the Waterfall model in software development?

A) Iterative development

B) Incremental development

C) Sequential development

D) Agile development

2. Arrange the phases of the waterfall model in the correct sequential order:

A) Testing, Design, Implementation, Maintenance, Requirements

B) Requirements, Design, Implementation, Testing, Maintenance

C) Implementation, Maintenance, Requirements, Design, Testing

D) Design, Requirements, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance

3. In the Waterfall model, when is the testing phase typically conducted?

A) Before the design phase

B) Concurrently with the coding phase

C) After the implementation phase

D) Throughout the entire development process