User:Shila Regmi/Teaching Lesson Plan 28

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Subject: Computer Graphics

Period: Fourth

Topic: Computer Simulation, Animation and Virtual Reality

Teaching Item: Introduction to Simulation

Class: BICTE 6th Semester

Unit: Six

Time: 50min

No. of Students: 21

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • students will understand the concept of simulation, its applications, and different types of the simulations.

Instruction Materials:

Daily usages materials.

PowerPoint slide.

Multimedia Projector


Teaching Learning Activities

I will start the lesson by asking students what they know about Simulation . Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.

I will begin by definining simulation: A method of imitating the operation of a real-world process or system over time.

I will discuss the importance of simulation in various fields such as science, engineering, business, etc. and mention some common examples of simulations (e.g., flight simulators, weather forecasting models).

I will present different types of simulation through presentation slide and briefly explain them.

I will start a discussion on real-world applications of simulation in various fields and encourage students to brainstorm potential applications of simulation in areas they are interested in.

I will ask students if they have any confusion related to today topic and at last i will summarize the lesson in brief.


  • Compare and contrast continuous simulation and discrete event simulation. Give an example of a system that would be suitable for each type of simulation.
  • Why is validation crucial in simulation studies? Describe some methods you could use to validate a simulation model and ensure its accuracy.


  • Define simulation and provide an example of its application in a real-world scenario. Discuss why simulation is a valuable tool in this context.