Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Shila Regmi/Teaching Lesson Plan 23
Subject: Computer Graphics
Period: Fourth
Topic: Three Dimensional Graphics
Teaching Item: Polygon Rendering Methods: Constant, Gouraud and Phong Shading
Class: BICTE 6th Semester
Unit: Five
Time: 50min
No. of Students: 22
Specific Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- define the concept of polygon rendering methods.
- describe Constant Shading and how it affect the rendering of polygons in computer graphics.
Instruction Materials:
Daily usages materials.
PowerPoint slide.
Multimedia Projector
Teaching Learning Activities
I will start the lesson by asking students what they know about shading in computer graphics. Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.
Begin by introducing the concept of shading in computer graphics.
Explain that shading is the process of determining the color and brightness of each pixel in a rendered image.
Discuss why shading is important for creating realistic 3D graphics.
Define Constant shading as a basic shading method where each polygon is rendered with a single color.
Demonstrate Constant shading using simple polygons.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Constant shading, including its simplicity and lack of smoothness.
I will ask students if they have any confusion related to today topic and at last i will summarize the lesson in brief.
- Describe a scenario where Constant shading might be preferred over other shading methods.
- What are the limitations of Constant shading in terms of rendering realistic 3D scenes?
- Explain how the Constant shading method computes the color of each pixel in a rendered image.