User:Shila Regmi/Teaching Lesson Plan 22

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Subject: Computer Graphics

Period: Fourth

Topic: Three Dimensional Graphics

Teaching Item: Basic Illumination model: Ambient Light, Specular Highlights and Diffuse Reflection

Class: BICTE 6th Semester

Unit: Five

Time: 50min

No. of Students: 18

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • understand the basic principles of illumination in computer graphics, focusing on specular highlights and diffuse reflection. They will learn how these components contribute to the realistic rendering of 3D scenes.

Instruction Materials:

Daily usages materials.

PowerPoint slide.

Multimedia Projector


Teaching Learning Activities

Enter the classroom, greet students and encourage then to focus and participate actively before starting the lesson for their concentration on the lesson.

I will present the slide and start by definining specular highlights and explain how they represent the reflection of light sources on shiny surfaces.

Discuss the factors that influence the appearance of specular highlights, such as the angle of incidence and surface roughness.

Show examples of specular highlights in real-world objects and digital renderings.

Define diffuse reflection and explain how it occurs when light interacts with rough surfaces.

Discuss Lambert's Cosine Law and its role in modeling diffuse reflection.

Show examples of diffuse reflection in real-world objects and discuss its visual characteristics.

After the presentation, I will engage students in a brief discussion to ensure their understanding of the key concepts presented.

At the end of the lesson, I will summarize the lesson, emphasizing the main points and encouraging students to ask any remaining questions.


  • What did you understand about the concept of specular highlights and diffuse reflection.


  • Describe the appearance of specular highlights on a shiny surface. What factors influence the size, shape, and intensity of specular highlights, and how do these highlights differ from other types of reflections?
  • Explain how diffuse reflection occurs on rough surfaces. What is Lambert's Cosine Law, and how does it contribute to modeling the behavior of diffuse reflection in computer graphics?