User:Shila Regmi/Teaching Lesson Plan 13

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Subject: Computer Graphics

Period: Fourth

Topic: Clipping

Teaching Item: Line Clipping

Class: BICTE 6th Semester

Unit: Fourth

Time: 50min

No. of Students: 18

Specific Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • understand the concept of line clipping.
  • implement the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm to clip lines against a rectangular clipping window.

Instruction Materials:

Daily usages materials.

PowerPoint slide.

Multimedia Projector


Teaching Learning Activities

I will start the lesson by asking students what they know about previous topic. Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences.

I will begin by introducing the concept of line clipping. Explain that line clipping is the process of removing parts of lines that lie outside a specified region.

I will introduce the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm, highlighting its key components and steps, after i will break down the algorithm into smaller parts, explaining each step in detail.

I will discuss the concept of the region codes used in the algorithm to represent the position of points relative to the clipping window.

I will ask students if they have any confusion related to today topic and at last i will summarize the lesson in brief.


  • What is line clipping, and why is it important in computer graphics?
  • Explain the concept of a clipping window in line clipping algorithms.


  • Describe the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm. What are its key steps?
  • How do you determine whether a point lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a rectangular clipping window?