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Teaching Lesson Plan

Subject: 21st Century                                                                                            Date: 2081-01-31

Time: 45Min                                                                                                          Period: Second

Unit:   2                                                                                                             Class: BICT 3rd Sem

Teaching Item: Concept of argument

1. Specific Objectives

    At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to :

             1) To interpret the concept of argument.

             2) Able to tell the reason of argument.

             3) To classify the types of argument.

2. Teaching Materials

       Beside the daily use materials, I will use :

                 1) Laptop

                  2) Projector

3. Teaching Learning Activites:

1) Begin the session with today’s topic with the help of pictures demonstration.

2) Introduce the concept of argument.

3) After that, I will explain the reason of argument.

4) Then, I will describe the types of an argument in detail with the help of powerpoint slides.

5) At last, I will address the confusion questions raised by students with the help of QnA method.

4. Evaluation:

I will ask some questions related to Queue:

             1) What is an argument in your point of view?

             2) Tell the different types of argument.

5. Homework :

             1) How argument change our society ?

              2) Explain the types of argument.

Student Teacher:                                                                                                      External  Supervisor:

Shankar Prasad Aryal                                                                                                                                      

Signature:                                                                                                                 Signature

Date: 2081-02-06                                                                                                     Date: 2081-02-06