User:Shankar Prasad Aryal/Main Teaching-27

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Teaching Lesson Plan – 27

Subject: Computer Science                                                             Date: 2081-01-31

Time : 45 Min                                                                                   Period : 3rd

Class: 11

Unit : Software

Teaching Item : Web based and Mobile Apps

Specific Objectives :

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to

-        Explain about Web based software and Mobile Apps

Teaching Materials :

Besides the daily use materials:

·     Daily uses materials

·     Power point presentation slides

Teaching Learning Activities :

·       After entering to the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to this topic before starting lesson for their attention.

·       After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by define web based software software and mobile apps with the help of PowerPoint slide.

·       After that I will explain web based  software and mobile apps by demonstrating slides and I will also note some important points on white board.

·       Moreover, I will also summarize the topic through discussion and Q/A Method while clarifying student’s confusion.

Evaluation :

Explain web based software and mobile apps.

Homework :

1) Write down difference between web based and mobile apps.