Entrance Announcement
MICTE 2080
2080 Magh 07
User:Saugat karki Real Teaching Lesson plan 4
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Subject:Computer Science | Topic: Histroy of Internet |
Class:Seven(7) | Unit:12(Twelve) |
Period:Second | Time:45min |
Number of student:50 | School :Shree Mahendra Basic School |
At the end of session,student will be able to understand:
- Some Terms Used in Internet.
- Breif history of Internet.
Teaching Materials:
- Recording clips
- Models(Words)
- Presentation power point
Teaching Learning Method:
- Fristly,prior knowledge (Student/Teacher will discuss about it).
- Present learning materials towards to student and start teachinng.
- Discuss the history of Internet.
- Show them pdf by helping of projectors,and engaged with them.
a.Web site
b.Web page
c. Home page
e.Web Server
- Continue the class by telling stories about the event of History.
a.What are the term that are used in Internet?
1.Write brief history of Internet ?