User:Saugat karki Real Teaching Lesson plan 3

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Subject:Computer Topic: Creating E-Mail Address
Class:Seven Unit: 12
Period:Second Time:45min
School: Shree Mahendra Basic School Number of student: 46

Objectives:[edit | edit source]

At the end of lesson, student will able to do:

  • Creating E-mail address.
  • Opening the E-mail address.

Teaching Materials:[edit | edit source]

  • Projector/Computer(Daily uses Stuff)
  • Recording clip[1]

Teaching Learning method:[edit | edit source]

  • Prior Knowledge (Student and Teacher will discuss about it).
  • Presenting Learning materials Towards to Student and make (student cenetred learing).
  • Fristly, give some definition of email...and start Creating E-mail address by following step:

1.Go to the Google Account sign in page. Create account.

3.Follow the steps on the scree to set up your account.

4.Use the account you created to sign in to Gmail.

  • Second,opening the E-mail address by following step:as required.

1.From your internet browser, nagivate to the sign-up page for your email provider....

2.Enter your details to open an email account.

3.Follow the rest of the step as required.

4.Accept the "Term"of service.

5.Start using your email account.

  • Countinue the class by solving the problem and giving feedback.

Assessment/Evaluate:[edit | edit source]

a.What are the step to create and opening the email address?