User:Saroj Neupane Real Teaching Lesson Plan 24

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Subject: Computer Science
Time:45 Minutes
Number of Students: 40
Topic:Creating Logo in Microsoft Word
Period: 2nd
School: Shree Okhreni Secondary School

Specific Objective[edit | edit source]

  • At the end of the class students will learn to create a basic logo using Microsoft Word.

Teaching Materials[edit | edit source]

  • Computers with Microsoft Word installed
  • Projector for demonstration

Teaching Learning Activity[edit | edit source]

Introduction (5 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Begin by discussing the importance of logos and their role in branding.
  • Show examples of famous logos and discuss what makes them effective.
  • Introduce the objective of the lesson: to create a basic logo using Microsoft Word.

Step-by-Step Demonstration (10 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Open Microsoft Word on the projector.
  • Discuss the basic tools available for creating shapes, text, and colors in Microsoft Word.
  • Demonstrate how to insert and customize shapes for the logo.
  • Show how to add and format text for the company name or slogan.
  • Explain the use of colors and how to change the color of shapes and text.
  • Encourage students to experiment with different shapes, sizes, and colors to create a visually appealing logo.

Hands-On Activity (10 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Have students open Microsoft Word on their computers.
  • Provide a brief overview of the task: they need to create a simple logo for a fictional company or an existing one.
  • Encourage creativity and experimentation with shapes, colors, and text.
  • Circulate around the class to offer assistance and answer questions.

Peer Review (10 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Ask students to share their logos with a partner.
  • Partners should provide constructive feedback on the design, use of color, and overall effectiveness of the logo.
  • Encourage students to make any necessary adjustments based on the feedback.

Class Discussion (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Ask a few students to share their logos with the class.
  • Discuss what worked well in each design and any challenges faced during the process.
  • Summarize key takeaways and emphasize the importance of simplicity, versatility, and creativity in logo design.

Conclusion (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Recap the main points covered during the lesson.
  • Emphasize that logo design is a skill that can be developed with practice and creativity.
  • Assign any homework or additional practice if desired.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Assessing the students' understanding and skills in creating a logo in Microsoft Word can be done through a combination of formative and summative assessments.