User:Saroj Neupane Real Teaching Lesson Plan 17

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Subject: Computer Science
Time:45 Minutes
Number of Students: 16
Topic: Adding Comment in MS Word
Period: 2nd
School: Shree Okhreni Secondary School

Specific Objective[edit | edit source]

  • Students will learn how to effectively use the commenting feature in Microsoft Word to provide feedback, collaborate on documents, and track changes.

Teaching Materials[edit | edit source]

  • Computers with Microsoft Word installed
  • Projector or display screen
  • Sample document for demonstration

Teaching Learning Activity[edit | edit source]

Introduction (5 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Begin by discussing the importance of collaboration and feedback in document editing.
  • Explain the purpose of adding comments in Microsoft Word: to provide feedback, ask questions, and make suggestions without directly editing the text.
  • Emphasize that comments are valuable in collaborative work and can be used for revision, clarification, and communication.

Demonstration (10 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Open Microsoft Word and load a sample document.
  • Show students how to access the "Review" tab on the ribbon.
  • Explain the "New Comment" button and demonstrate how to insert a comment at a specific location in the document.
  • Discuss the different elements of a comment, such as the author's name, date, and time. Show how to reply to comments, resolve comments, and delete comments.

Hands-On Practice (20 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Distribute a practice document or have students open a document of their own.
  • Instruct students to add comments at various points in the document.
  • Encourage them to reply to each other's comments for practice.
  • Walk around the class to provide assistance and answer any questions.

Group Activity (5 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different document or topic.
  • Instruct each group to collaborate on the document by adding comments and responding to each other.
  • Emphasize the importance of effective communication through comments.

Discussion and Reflection (5 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Bring the class back together for a discussion on their experiences with adding comments.
  • Discuss the benefits and challenges of using comments for collaboration.
  • Ask students to reflect on how the commenting feature can improve the editing and collaboration process.

Conclusion (5 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Summarize key points and reiterate the importance of using comments in collaborative work.
  • Provide resources for further learning, such as online tutorials or Microsoft support articles.
  • Encourage students to practice using comments in their future projects and assignments.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Assess student understanding through their active participation in the hands-on practice and group activity.
  • Review the quality of comments added by students for depth and relevance.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and seek clarification during the lesson.