User:Saroj Neupane Real Teaching Lesson Plan 10

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Subject: Computer Science
Time:45 Minutes
Number of Students: 16
Topic: Working with Page Number in Microsoft Word
Period: 2nd
School: Shree Okhreni Secondary School

Specific Objectives[edit | edit source]

  • At the end of the class students will learn how to effectively insert and format page numbers in Microsoft Word documents.

Teaching Materials[edit | edit source]

  • Computers with Microsoft Word installed
  • Projector or whiteboard for demonstration

Teaching Learning Activity[edit | edit source]

Introduction (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Start by asking students if they have ever struggled with adding or formatting page numbers in a Word document.
  • Briefly explain the importance of page numbers in academic and professional documents.
  • State the objective of the lesson: to learn how to insert and format page numbers in Microsoft Word.

Part 1: Inserting Page Numbers (15 minutes)[edit | edit source]

  • Demonstrate how to insert page numbers in a Word document.
  • Go to the "Insert" tab.
  • Click on "Page Number" in the Header & Footer group.
  • Choose the desired location for the page numbers (top, bottom, header, or footer).
  • Select a page number format.
  • Let students practice inserting page numbers on their computers.
  • Provide a simple document or ask them to open a sample document.
  • Walk around to assist students who may need help.

Part 2: Formatting Page Numbers (15 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Explain the various formatting options for page numbers.
  • Discuss how to change the starting page number.
  • Show how to format the page numbers with different styles.
  • Have students experiment with formatting page numbers in their documents.
  • Instruct them to change the starting page number.
  • Ask them to try different styles for the page numbers

Closure (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Review the key points covered in the lesson. Discuss any challenges or questions students may have encountered.
  • Assign a small homework task, such as inserting page numbers in a document and formatting them according to specific guidelines.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Evaluate students based on their participation during the practical exercises and their ability to successfully insert and format page numbers.