User:Saroj Neupane Real Teaching Lesson Plan 1

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Subject: Computer Science
Time:45 Minutes
Number of Students: 16
Topic: Introduction to Microsoft Word Basics
Period: 2nd
School: Shree Okhreni Secondary School

Specific Objectives[edit | edit source]

  • Students will learn the fundamental skills of Microsoft Word, including creating a new document, typing, using basic editing functions (copy, cut, and paste), and saving their work.

Teaching Materials[edit | edit source]

Teaching Learning Activity[edit | edit source]

Introduction (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Begin by discussing the importance of Microsoft Word in academic and professional settings.
  • Share the specific objectives for the day: creating a new document, typing, using basic editing functions, and saving work.

I. Opening Microsoft Word and Creating a New Document (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Opening Microsoft Word:[edit | edit source]
  • Demonstrate how to open Microsoft Word on the computers.
Creating a New Document:[edit | edit source]
  • Explain the process of creating a new document.
  • Emphasize naming and saving the document in an appropriate location.

II. Typing and Basic Text Editing (15 minutes):

Typing in Microsoft Word:[edit | edit source]

Provide a brief overview of the keyboard layout.

  • Guide students in typing a simple paragraph or sentence.
  • Basic Text Editing Functions:
  • Introduce essential text editing functions:
  • Deleting text
  • Selecting text
  • Copying, cutting, and pasting text
  • Conduct hands-on exercises for each function.

III. Saving a Document (10 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Introduction to Saving:[edit | edit source]
  • Explain the importance of saving work regularly. Demonstrate how to save a document using the "Save" and "Save As" options.
Hands-on Practice:[edit | edit source]
  • Guide students through saving their documents with different names and in various locations.

IV. Practical Exercises (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

Assign simple exercises for students to practice:

  • Type a short paragraph about themselves.
  • Experiment with copying, cutting, pasting, and saving their documents.

V. Review and Q&A (5 minutes):[edit | edit source]

  • Summarize the key points covered during the lesson.
  • Open the floor for any questions from the students.

Homework/Extension[edit | edit source]

  • Assign a short homework task, such as typing a one-page essay and saving it using the skills learned in class.
  • Encourage students to practice basic text editing functions and saving their work regularly.

Assessment[edit | edit source]

  • Evaluate students based on their ability to successfully create a new document, type text, perform basic editing functions, and save their work during the hands-on exercises