User:Prakash Timilsina/MT Lesson Plan 1

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Class: BEDICT 5th semester

Subject: Data communication and computer Network

Teaching topic: Introduction to data communication and its components

Period: 3rd

Period duration: 10 min

Specific Objective[edit | edit source]

At the end of the class students are able to:

  1. Define data communication.
  2. Give two examples of data communication.

Teaching materials[edit | edit source]


Power point slide

Teaching learning activities:[edit | edit source]

After entering class I revise last class after then I will ask a question and go to today's topic.

I will ask question about data communication such like what is data communication?

I hear their answer and write in the board, then I will explain the topic with suitable example.

Evaluation:[edit | edit source]

Can we use messenger as data communication?

What component or element are required while we use g-mail to share file.