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Teaching lesson plan 26 Subject: Python programming

Date: 13 Feb 2024

Time: 60 minutes

Period: 3rd

Teaching Item: Introduction to Django Views

Class: Bachelor


Students will learn the fundamentals of Django views, including defining views, handling HTTP requests, rendering templates, and passing context data to templates

Materials Needed:

  • Python installed (preferably Python 3.x)
  • Text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) such as VSCode, PyCharm, or Sublime Text
  • Django framework installed (pip install django)
  • Projector

1. Introduction to Django Views (15 mins)

  • Overview of Django views:
    • Views are Python functions or classes that handle HTTP requests and return HTTP responses.
    • Views encapsulate the logic for processing user requests and generating responses.
  • Discuss the role of views in the Django MTV (Model-Template-View) architecture.

2. Creating Views (20 mins)

  • Creating a Django app for views: python startapp myapp
  • Defining view functions:
    • Define view functions to handle specific URL patterns.
    • Views accept HTTP request objects and return HTTP response objects.
  • Example: Creating a simple view function to render a basic HTML page.

3. Routing URLs to Views (20 mins)

  • Configuring URL patterns:
    • Define URL patterns in the app's module.
    • Map URL patterns to corresponding view functions.
  • Include app-specific URL patterns in the project's main file.

4. Handling HTTP Requests and Responses (25 mins)

  • Accessing request data:
    • Extracting data from HTTP request objects (e.g., GET and POST parameters).
    • Processing form data submitted via POST requests.
  • Generating responses:
    • Rendering HTML templates using the render() function.
    • Returning JSON responses using the JsonResponse class.

5. Passing Data to Templates (20 mins)

  • Passing context data to templates:
    • Define a context dictionary with data to be passed to the template.
    • Render the template with context data using the render() function.
    • Access data in the template using template variables.
  • Example: Passing dynamic data from a view to a template.

6. Class-Based Views (20 mins)

  • Introduction to class-based views:
    • Class-based views provide a more structured way to organize view logic.
    • Advantages of class-based views over function-based views.
  • Common class-based views:
    • View: Base class for all class-based views.
    • TemplateView: Render a template.
    • ListView and DetailView: Display lists and details of objects.

7. Exercise: Create and Render Views (20 mins)

  • Provide a hands-on exercise where students create Django views and render templates.
  • Task:
    • Define multiple view functions to handle different URL patterns.
    • Render HTML templates using the render() function and pass context data.
    • Test the views by accessing different URLs in a web browser.

8. Conclusion (10 mins)

  • Recap the key points covered in the lesson:
    • Django views handle HTTP requests and generate HTTP responses.
    • Views can be defined as functions or classes and are responsible for processing user requests.
    • URL patterns route incoming requests to the appropriate view functions.
    • Views can pass context data to templates for dynamic rendering.
    • Class-based views provide a more object-oriented approach to organizing view logic.
  • Encourage students to practice creating and testing views in their Django projects.