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Teaching lesson plan 19 Subject: Python programming

Date: 5 Feb 2024

Time: 60 minutes

Period: 3rd

Teaching Item: Introduction to Series in Pandas

Class: Bachelor


Students will learn about Series in pandas, understand their structure and capabilities, and apply them to manipulate and analyze one-dimensional labeled data effectively.

Materials Needed:

  • Python interpreter with pandas installed
  • Jupyter Notebook or any Python IDE
  • Sample dataset (e.g., CSV file)
  • Projector

1. Introduction to Pandas and Series (10 mins)

  • Brief overview of pandas library:
    • Pandas is a powerful data manipulation and analysis library in Python.
    • It provides data structures and functions for working with structured data, similar to R's data frames.
  • Introduce the concept of Series in pandas:
    • Series is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type (e.g., integers, strings, floats, etc.).
    • Each element in a Series has a corresponding label, called an index.

2. Creating Series (15 mins)

  • Discuss different ways to create Series objects in pandas:
    • From a Python list or NumPy array.
    • Using a dictionary where keys become the index labels.
    • Specifying data and index separately.
    • Using built-in functions like pd.Series().
  • Demonstrate each method with examples and discuss their advantages.

3. Accessing Elements and Indexing (15 mins)

  • Explain how to access elements and perform indexing on Series:
    • Using integer-based indexing.
    • Using label-based indexing.
    • Slicing for selecting subsets of data.
  • Show examples of accessing elements and performing indexing operations on Series.

4. Operations on Series (15 mins)

  • Discuss various operations that can be performed on Series:
    • Arithmetic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
    • Element-wise mathematical functions (e.g., np.sqrt(), np.log()).
    • Comparison operations (e.g., greater than, less than).
    • Boolean indexing for filtering data.
  • Demonstrate each operation with examples and discuss their applications.

5. Handling Missing Data (10 mins)

  • Introduce techniques for handling missing data (NaN) in Series:
    • pd.isnull() and pd.notnull() functions for detecting missing values.
    • fillna() method for filling missing values with specified values.
    • dropna() method for removing rows with missing values.
  • Show examples of handling missing data in Series.

6. Exercise (15 mins)

  • Provide a programming exercise where students:
    • Load a sample dataset into a pandas Series.
    • Perform indexing, slicing, and filtering operations on the Series.
    • Apply arithmetic operations and mathematical functions to manipulate the data.
    • Handle missing data using appropriate techniques.

7. Conclusion (5 mins)

  • Recap the key points covered in the lesson:
    • Series in pandas are one-dimensional labeled arrays capable of holding any data type.
    • Series can be created from Python lists, dictionaries, NumPy arrays, or by specifying data and index separately.
    • Operations such as indexing, slicing, arithmetic operations, and handling missing data can be performed on Series.
  • Encourage students to practice using Series in pandas for data manipulation tasks and to explore additional functionalities offered by the library.