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Micro-Teaching lesson plan 1

Subject: Python programming. Date: 1 Dec 2023

Time: 15 minutes

Teaching Item: Data Structure

Class: Bachelor

Specific objectives:

At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Define data structure
  • List out data structure types and explain two of them.

Teaching materials:

Beside the daily use materials I will use:

Teaching learning activities:

  • After entering the classroom, I will motivate students by asking some questions related to this topic before starting the lesson for their attention.
  • After ending discussion, I will enter into the lesson by explaining the definition of data structure.
  • After that I will list out types of data structure.
  • Moreover, I will also summarize the topic through discussion and Q/A method while clarifying student’s confusion.


I will present quiz questions related to data structure.